
Grants and Donations Policy

Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 enables local councils to spend a limited amount of money for purposed for which they have no other specific statutory expenditure.

As Sawston Parish Council receives an increasing number of such requests it is necessary to implement policy guidelines for the allocation of grants and donations.

The attached form must be completed if you are making this request.

Freedom of Information Policy

The Freedom of Information Act gives a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public bodies such as local councils.

When making a request for information the request must be made in permanent form, for instance in writing or by e-mail and must include basic contact details so that a reply can be sent. It must also include enough detail to enable the council to identify the information requested.

Illegal Encampment Policy 

Complaints Procedure

Financial Regulations 

Standing Orders  

Code of Conduct for Members

Equal Opportunities 


Pension Discretion Policy 

Safeguarding Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Media Policy

Media Policy (Updated May 2024)

Retention of Documents

Retention of Documents Policy (Adopted April 2024)

Written Records Management and Disposal Policy (Adopted April 2024)